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quick af quick pickled onions


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Prep Time: 5 minutes

Total: 5 minutes

Servings: 1


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Step 1

Peel & very thinly slice the red onion. The more thinly you slice the onion, the quicker they’ll pickle. Transfer to a small bowl, jar, or airtight container & set aside.

Step 2

Add the syrup, kosher salt, vinegar, & water to a liquid measuring cup or small bowl. Whisk to combine, dissolving the salt into the pickling liquid.

Step 3

Pour the pickling liquid over the prepared onions from Step Use a fork, as needed, to mix & submerge all the onions in the liquid. Transfer to the refrigerator & allow the onions to pickle for 2-4 hours until they develop their bright pink, jewel-toned color. Garnish your favorite dishes with them throughout the week & enjoy!

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